We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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Our fresh digital thinking is driving a giant change programme that will make Morrisons a digitally focused retailer.

We’re reinventing our tech and opening up new opportunities from mobile first to the cloud.

When it comes to feeding the nation, our tech is just as fresh as our food.

Meet the team

Find out all about the people behind our move to becoming 'Naturally Digital'.

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Technology - Experience

We’re revolutionising our online journeys. We’re making our processes faster, simpler and smarter.

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We’re revolutionising our online journeys. We’re making our processes faster, simpler and smarter.

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Online & Wholesale

Our team sources, purchases and governs all tech-related supplied products and services.

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Core Delivery

We cover end to end stock flow which spans Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Logistics.

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Digital & Innovation

The digital team tackles all digital development work for web and integration services.

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Check Circle

We test 100s of products from our shelves each year to make sure they meet our specifications and are ‘what they say they are’.


We sell more than 156 million loaves per year.

Hot cross buns

Our hot cross buns are award winning.

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We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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